Career and Life Planning Guidebook for Medical Residents

Let’s go through the things you need to consider when defining your ideal job. For each of the options listed below, list the advantages and disadvantages that would shape your decision. There are no right or wrong answers. An advantage for you may be a disadvantage for someone else. After looking at your lists, you should be able to pick which option will be the best fit for you. Then you will have a good idea of what defines your dream job. Recommended Tool Decision-Making Worksheet Use this tool to identify and rank each of your personal values and work priorities to assess each organization’s and community’s probability of fulfilling your needs. Employment Model Are you the type who is entrepreneurial? If so, you will likely be happier owning your own medical practice, or at least becoming a partner in a private practice group. If this is not appealing to you, youwill be happier being an employee and never having to deal with any of the issues of owning a business. Which one fits your personality the best; employee or owner? There are distinct advantages and disadvantages of each and you need to weigh them before choosing where you will feel more comfortable. Don’t listen to market trends or what your best friend is going to do. Listen to your heart. For example, some of the advantages of owning your own medical practice include: greater control, higher profit potential, business equity, better retirement plan options, and vacation & work hour flexibility. Advantages of being an employee include: fewer management responsibilities, guaranteed income, no overhead expenses, and higher initial salary. There are also disadvantages for each model. I’ll let you define those without any prejudice fromme. SECTION II: T MINUS TWO YEARS CAREER AND LIFE PLANNING GUIDEBOOK FOR MEDICAL RESIDENTS 140