Career and Life Planning Guidebook for Medical Residents

Recommended Tool Partnering with Your Significant Other in Career and Life Use this tool to explore core values and concepts to guide you personally and professionally. R E A D : Define Your Dream Job You are on your way to becoming a physician with a great life; I know that because you are reading this book! There are many different paths you can take in choosing your job as an attending. If you don’t figure out which path is right for you and your family, you will likely be unhappy. Too many residents don’t think through what they want out of their career before they accept their first job. They just take the first high salary they’re offered. That’s one of the many reasons why about 50% of all newattendings leave their first jobwithin a fewyears. I don’t want you to be one of the statistics who realize their job is heading in the wrong direction after just a year or two. Your happiness level, satisfaction level, and financial standing will all flourish out of the residency gate if you pick the right job the first time. It is very expensive, stressful, and unnecessary to go through another job search. Choose well the first time. Before you begin your job search, go through this process of defining your dream job so you will recognize it when it crosses your path. Too many residents skip this step because they are just too busy. Just remember: “If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have the time to do it over?” — John Wooden Life, Money and Career Priorities 139 WWW.PHYSICIANCAREERPLANNING.COM