Career and Life Planning Guidebook for Medical Residents

R E A D : Put Your Family First I have heard so many doctors state their highest priority is their family, but when I look at what they do on a day-to-day basis, it’s obvious that their family is not even on their priority list. It is easy to say that you will put your family first, but it’s hard to do. That is why you must establish your priorities and examine each goal or commitment to see if it fits within your priorities before obligating yourself to it. Things will constantly come up to challenge your priorities. If you know your priorities well, you will have an easier time sticking to them. One ofmyprioritieswas to spend timewithmy family. So when I learned that the youth soccer league my kids played in needed a coach, I could easily say yes. Coachingmy child’s soccer teamgavememore time with my kids and matches my priority. When I took on that responsibility, I made some changes in my work schedule to accommodate soccer practice. One doctor asked me how I could possibly have time to be a soccer coach. We were in the same specialty and he knew he would never have the time to coach soccer. I told him two things: First, spending time with my family was a priority. Second, I’m the boss at work. If I want soccer practice to be on my schedule, I put it there. I’m the doctor, and I’m in charge. The most expensive mistake you will ever encounter is to destroy your marriage. It’s an instant loss of 50% of your wealth and probably more than 50% of your happiness, and will negatively affect your children for years to come. Do everything you can to cultivate your family relationships by making them a priority and you will enjoy a wonderful future with your partnership at home. SECTION II: T MINUS TWO YEARS CAREER AND LIFE PLANNING GUIDEBOOK FOR MEDICAL RESIDENTS 138