Career and Life Planning Guidebook for Medical Residents

SECTION I: T MINUS THREE YEARS Many an aspiring physician runs into our beloved practice with little common sense. The bright adventurer, accompanied by ignorance, enthusiasm and self- confidence, runs headlong into pit and peak. Stunned and lost, the disoriented young resident will oft curse course, blame another and wonder. A minute of preparation prevents an hour of confusion. Take heed, young doctor, seek to know the land before you tie your shoe. – Anonymous F I E L D N O T E S competency is being able to communicate effectively to non-physician leaders the im- portance of physician input in a large organization such as a hospital or health system. Facilitator of Change. Like any leader in any type of organization, a physician leader must be able to facilitate change, seek out differing points of view, encourage active discourse, and bring out the best in his or her team. Systems / Strategic Thinking. A physician lead- er needs a “system” perspective — understanding the rolesof thephysicians andothercareproviders inside a complex system of processes, people and care delivery. The physician should be able to develop a strategic mindset and methodology for leading complex organizational systems. CAREER AND LIFE PLANNING GUIDEBOOK FOR MEDICAL RESIDENTS 106