Career and Life Planning Guidebook for Medical Residents

Market Driven HealthCare R E A D : Must-Have Physician Leadership Competencies The swirling array of pressures for change and calls for medical care that is more accountable, more transparent, of higher value and better quality cannot happen without physicians. But perhaps the physicians of tomorrowwill be different than the ones of the past. Physicians entering practice are likely to experience these factors in their practice reality: More likely employed in multi-specialty groups within integrated healthcare delivery systems Work as amember of an interdisciplinary care team involving physician assistants, nurse practitioners, care coordinators, social workers, and others Have a new balance between the calling of a medical career and the calling of family and eclectic lifestyle pursuits Influence the health and healthcare of thou- sands of people a year through practice, but also through leadership roles in many physician leadership positions Need to master social networking tools and EHRs to manage more engaged and assertive patient populations Most new graduates will have received little preparation in medical school or residency for these new challenges and opportunities. Lifelong learning will not only apply to keeping pace with an explosion of clinical knowledge for the practice of medicine, but also a dizzying selection of new technologies and consumer expectations to deliver health gain as well as healthcare, and to provide better value for the money with a superior patient care experience. There has never been a more important time for physicians to step forward into leadership roles. The healthcare system is transforming, and it is critical that physicians shape its future. When choosing the type of practice and/or position that comprises the right fit, it’s imperative that you evaluate where you are with each of these competencies and strategically interview with employers who can provide you the structure to help you grow into these roles professionally. To self- assess these competencies, set some time aside to walk through the exercises on page XX and XX. The following characteristics describe different types of healthcare leadership characteristics in the organizations you will be evaluating: Patient Centric. Leaders in healthcarewill need to focus more on the patient than ever before, even with the “system perspective.” A good physician leader will understand and effectively communicate the impact on the patient for every decision being made. Business Acumen. Physicians will need a working knowledge of the world of medicine from a business perspective. Cost drivers, financial implications and ability to make de- cisions that have a positive impact on the organization and patient satisfaction represent key outcomes. Team Focus. Physicians are part of a team, and a good physician leader is a true collaborator and builds cohesion with aligned goals across physicians, administrators, patients, payers and other stakeholders. An important part of this 105 WWW.PHYSICIANCAREERPLANNING.COM