Career and Life Planning Workbook for Medical Residents

92 WWW . A D V E N T U R E S I N M E D I C I N E . C O M Exercise: Creating Your Personal Advisory Team. Advantage Advisory Team! 3LHYU [OL WYVJLZZ HUK ILULÄ[Z VM MVYTPUN H WLYZVUHS HK]PZVY` IVHYK · H NYV\W of advisors who can help guide you in areas that are outside of your expertise or HIPSP[` [V IL M\SS` VIQLJ[P]L OBJECTIVES: By the end of this exercise you will be able to: Identify goals and anticipated challenges and impediments related to key areas of your personal and WYVMLZZPVUHS SPML PU [OL ÄYZ[ `LHY Identify potential advisory team members by career, specialty and/or skill sets • Identify personal and professional goals • 0KLU[PM` ZWLJPÄJ JOHSSLUNLZ HUK PTWLKPTLU[Z [OH[ `V\ HU[PJPWH[L PU [OL ÄYZ[ `LHY VM LTWSV`TLU[ • Identify candidates based on their career • Identify candidates based on their specialty • Identify candidates based on their skillsets HOWTO USE THIS TOOL INSTRUCTIONS Review the tool to become familiar with its general structure and mechanics Identify goals, challenges and impediments you would like to build your advisory team around Identify potential candidates by career, specialty and skillsets Refer to the resource(s) below for additional assistance in your preparations A personal advisory team is a group of people you assemble to not only assist you through the challenges you will face in “real life” after you graduate from residency but achieve the goals you set for yourself as you launch your JHYLLY @V\ ^PSS ULLK [V RUV^ ^OV [V [\YU [V MVY HK]PJL VU ÄUHUJLZ WLYZVUHS ^LSSULZZ JVU[YHJ[Z YLHS LZ[H[L L[J It’s important to form this group of “go to” people before you need them. @V\Y [LHT ^PSS [`WPJHSS` NYV^ [OYV\NO YLMLYYHSZ MYVT `V\Y ÄYZ[ ML^ HK]PZVYZ HUK UL^ UL[^VYRPUN VWWVY[\UP[PLZ -VY example, your tax advisor may be able to refer you to a trusted contracts lawyer, and so on. You can begin by making an inventory of what you do well—or not so well—by performing a SWOT Analysis of your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. See E-31 in the Online Resource Library. CHAPTER 10 Job Transition r .