Career and Life Planning Workbook for Medical Residents

80 WWW . A D V E N T U R E S I N M E D I C I N E . C O M 5V^ [OH[ `V\ OH]L JVSSLJ[LK HUK HUHS`aLK HSS VM [OL [LYTZ P[»Z [PTL [V KLJPKL ^OL[OLY P[»Z H MHPY VќLY IHZLK VU `V\Y ZWLJPHS[` YLNPVU HUK JVTT\UP[` THYRL[ )L JHYLM\S UV[ [V JVTWHYL HWWSLZ ^P[O VYHUNLZ 6[OLY VќLYZ `V\»]L YLJLP]LK TH` UV[ IL comparable. | Ask yourself, “Under what terms or circumstances would I accept the opportunity?” 0M [OL VYPNPUHS VќLY PZ UV[ HJJLW[HISL HUK `V\ JHUUV[ HUZ^LY [OPZ X\LZ[PVU ^HP[ \U[PS `V\ JHU ILMVYL ULNV[PH[PUN 2UV^PUN ZWLJPÄJHSS` ^OH[ `V\»YL ^PSSPUN [V accept going into the negotiation is one of your most-powerful negotiating strategies. | Sleep on it before negotiating. Give yourself time to think about whether you’re committed to signing an agreement if the LTWSV`LY HJJLW[Z `V\Y [LYTZ HUK ]PZ\HSPaL [OL UL_[ Z[LWZ PU WYLWHYPUN [V YLSVJH[L HUK Z[HY[ [OL QVI Give yourself time to think about whether you’re committed to signing an agreement if the employer accepts your terms, and ]PZ\HSPaL [OL UL_[ Z[LWZ PU WYLWHYPUN [V YLSVJH[L HUK Z[HY[ [OL QVI | *YLH[L H ZJYPW[LK V\[SPUL VM OV^ `V\ ^V\SK SPRL [OL JHSS [V ÅV^ )LMVYL `V\ WPJR \W [OL WOVUL OH]L HU V\[SPUL PU MYVU[ VM you that progresses through: • Small talk • ;OHUR [OLT MVY [OLPY [PTL LќVY[ HUK Z\WWVY[ • 9LJHW `V\Y QV\YUL` • Communicate your intentions • Recap your value: Why should the employer give you more? • Provide compensation research • Communicate the terms needed for you to accept the opportunity • Your commitment if the terms are acceptable • Thank them for their consideration • Next steps For a detailed example of a negotiation outline go to HUK LU[LY : PU[V RL`^VYK ÄLSK and click search. | Negotiate. Think win-win. 9LTLTILY LTWSV`LYZ HYL [\YULK Vќ I` LNV VY H ¸ZLUZL VM LU[P[SLTLU[ ¹ Exercise: Establish your value and create the “Win-Win” In negotiation Step 6: Know When You’re Ready Step 6: Know When You’re Ready CHAPTER 8 Contract Negotiation S-07