Career and Life Planning Workbook for Medical Residents

66 WWW . A D V E N T U R E S I N M E D I C I N E . C O M Decision Time Ultimately your career success is dependent upon making good decisions from the beginning. 4HRPUN H NVVK KLJPZPVU YLSH[LK [V QVI ZLSLJ[PVU YLX\PYLZ H JVTWYLOLUZP]L L]HS\H[PVU VM MHJ[VYZ [OH[ KYP]L ZOHWL VY PUÅ\LUJL `V\Y OVTL HUK ^VYR LU]PYVUTLU[Z ;OVYV\NO L_HTPUH[PVU ^PSS HSPNU `V\Y ^HU[Z needs, priorities, interests, and considerations along with geography, practice, etc. You will then use the PUMVYTH[PVU [V KL[LYTPUL [OL VWWVY[\UP[` [OH[ ^PSS VќLY `V\ [OL ILZ[ Ä[ In this stage, you’ll walk through exercises to help you gain perspective and see where the opportunities ^PSS SLHK `V\ @V\ ^PSS IL HISL [V L]HS\H[L [OL PUMVYTH[PVU `V\»]L NH[OLYLK HZZLZZ [OL ]HYPV\Z VќLYZ HUK ZLSLJ[ [OL ILZ[ Ä[ MVY `V\ HUK `V\Y MHTPS` IHZLK VU `V\Y WYPVYP[PLZ HUK NVHSZ CHAPTER 7 Job Selection 62 WWW . A D V E N T U R E S I I I