Career and Life Planning Guidebook for Medical Residents

When you began your clinical training, you were schooled in the art of writing a SOAP note. Not only was that form of communication a time-honored tradition, it was a standard mechanism to communicate vital patient information from one physician to another. Each component of a SOAP note relays specific information in a specific order; however, the verbiage used to craft each note was as unique as each physician writing that note. There may be multiple consultants evaluating the same patient, but the words and tone used to describe the patient’s condition varied with the physician. A curriculum vitae is very much the same as a SOAP note. There are rules to learn, formats to follow, and information to be reported. Just like a SOAP note, there are tips and tools that can make your message stand out. You're about to discover how to format and customize your CV in a way that will catch the attention of an employer so they will want to pick up the phone and schedule an interview on the spot. This chapter will give you specific instructions on how to format your CV and customize it to stand out above the crowd, show the physician recruiter that you clearly have what it takes to make an impact on their organization, and get you a ticket to the interview show! 1. The Curriculum Vitae 2. CV and Resumes Defined 3. Lengths and Other Myths 4. The Components 5. Formatting Tips 6. The Job Search CV a. Clinical CV b. Academic CV 7. The Digital CV 8. Ethics and Integrity 9. Editing and Feedback • Identify characteristics and components of an effective CV. • Develop a curriculum vitae (CV) that is clear, concise, organized, and differentiates your qualifications and experiences from other applicants. • Capture the attention of recruiters immediately to help you soar past other candidates for highly desired positions. • Prepare a keyword-rich, targeted CV to position yourself for success. L E T ’ S G E T S T A R T E D In This Chapter O U T L I N E G O A L S The Art of Professional Storytelling: CV Building for Physicians 173 WWW.PHYSICIANCAREERPLANNING.COM